Helisim is an approved training organization, certified by EASA/DGAC under FR.ATO.0039. Helisim is approved under FAA PART 142 as a satellite of Airbus Helicopters Inc.
In accordance with EASA PART OPS (ORO.FC.230), this course allows pilots to review all the normal and emergency procedures and to prepare the mandatory checks (OPC and LPC). It has been designed to provide refresher in knowledge of flight techniques and aircraft normal and emergency procedures with the aim of maintaining operational capabilities and improving flight safety.
Helisim offers the opportunity to train on high range Level D Full Flight Simulator with Airbus Helicopters original aircraft data package and have instructors working in a close relationship with your aircraft manufacturer.
Save en route flight time to optimize the training session and practice your airports instrument approaches in adverse conditions or experience more complex instrument approaches including GPS performance based navigation on aircraft with PBN capability (H225, H175 and H160).
Through its cooperation with Airbus Helicopter Inc., Helisim provides FAA Recurrent Training.
An engine failure never happens when expected, train your crew on take-off and landing trajectories and be able to deal with an engine failure at any time.
Using extremely realistic SAR scenarios, this course represents a unique training solution to provide your crews with SAR techniques and procedures by day and by night, aided or unaided (NVG) onshore or offshore. Benefit from our instructors experience and expertise to train and prepare your crews for their operational SAR missions.
This training course is designed to provide the NVG techniques and methods and has been specially developed to offer to military, polices forces and HEMS operators the skills for performing safe NVG flights, in any environment. Helisim provides 3rd generation NVG equipment for realistic training.
Initial NVG course understand NVG operations in order to be able to fly from a known airfield to another one.
Advanced NVG course understand NVG operations to land on an unknown terrain.
During a mission based on your daily activity, your crew will face some issues to deal with. The workload increase requires to optimize Crew Resource Management and Coordination.
Flying VIP passengers requires a specific know-how in terms of navigation, time on target, ensuring a comfortable flight and taking care of medical emergency. This course, which will also focus on active threats, is taught by personnel who have been working for Presidential flight organization during several years.
Many worldwide Oil Companies, Offshore and Energy operators have expressed their confidence in Helisim for their trainings.
Perform landings on hospital helipad after rescuing victims in life rafts, mountains, urban or confined landing areas.
Fly in mountainous environment with helicopter degraded performances and in snowy environment.
A transfer of know-how based on totally realistic scenarios which will push aircrews to their limits. This course is provided by combat veterans who will share their experience of high-intensity operations, A mix of ground and sim-based sessions plus in-depth briefings/debriefings will allow students to develop and implement the right strategy in a high-threat environment
This course program is designed to acquire shipboard landing and take-off technics by day/night in order to reduce actual training and increase flight safety.
This course program is designed to dispense the PBN (RNAV-RNP) training necessary for a helicopter pilot to conduct a RNP APCH (GNSS – approach).
The aim of the course is to enable pilots to become proficient in MCC in order to operate multi-pilot helicopters in IFR and VFR and to get the requirements for multi pilot operations.
In accordance with EASA PART FCL TRI(H), this course will give attendees a TRI qualification on a specific helicopter type (AS332/EC225 or AS365/EC155) in single pilot or multi pilot operations.
The objective of this course is to prepare and succeed in EASA ATPL check ride. Please do not hesitate to contact us for prerequisites.
Competence Based Instrument Flying training course. This course is dedicated to non-IR qualified pilots with limited instrument flying skills who intend to acquire the minimum knowledge, to conduct safely a full flight in IMC conditions under their own operating procedures.
Available for all trainings upon request.
Upon request, we will listen to your specific training requirement and objective to design a course specially adapted to meet with your missions and environment.
Helisim is associated with the Airbus Helicopters ATO’s for delivering Type Ratings (EASA, FAA, other CAA).
Our simulators can be used without a Helisim flight instructor. This flexibility allows operators to use their own instructors, procedures, standards and language. Prior to the first “DRY” training session, an Instructor training course (IOS) must be performed.
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Index de
l’Egalité Professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes : publication de la
note et des résultats 2023 obtenus pour chaque indicateur
L’Index Egalité Professionnelle entre
les femmes et les hommes est bâti autour de 4 indicateurs (entreprises de
50 à 250 salariés) calculé sur un total de 100 points :
Indicateur 1 : écarts de rémunération
Indicateur 2 : écarts dans la proportion de femmes et d’hommes bénéficiant
d’augmentations salariales
Indicateur 3 : augmentation systématique des femmes l’année d’un congé de
maternité ou d’adoption
Indicateur 4 : nombre de femmes dans les dix plus hautes rémunérations de
Vous trouverez ci-après les résultats
obtenus et les actions menées afin de permettre une égalité professionnelle
entre les femmes et les hommes :
Effectif |
Index global sur 100 points |
Indicateur 1 |
Indicateur 2 |
Indicateur 3 |
Indicateur 4 |
54 |
35/35 |
0/10 |
Deux indicateurs sur les quatre ne sont pas
calculables car les critères d’évaluation ne sont pas réunis. L'index global calculé
sur un total de 100 points est indéterminable également car le nombre de points
maximum des indicateurs calculables est de 45, inférieur seuil de 75 défini par
la réglementation.
Cependant, Helisim est engagé dans une
démarche de promotion de l’égalité Femmes / Hommes au travers notamment de la
signature d’accords d’entreprise depuis 2017.
L'un de nos domaines d’amélioration est
la part des femmes dans les dix plus hautes rémunérations de l’entreprise,
point sur lequel nous sommes vigilants
notamment à travers notre processus de recrutement et de promotion
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